Emotions captured- My first attempt in pencil sketching

Hi All,

Happy new year!

Sorry, I could not post anything recently. Simple, I was not in mood. At a point thought, stop this blog. But, could not I've always found peace in arts and crafts.

I never learnt sketching. I’m learning, and this is my first attempt.

Whatever, I've sketched, is not at all, according to sketching rules. The proportions are not at all proper. All the experts in sketching, I'm sorry if you find mistakes in this sketching. I know you will definitely find many.

Imagined the emotions and tried to express in the form of sketching.

Here it is:

The woman looks alright to the outside world. That’s why; I've drawn the ornaments on her. But she is weeping inside. Something (may be depression, or any grief -I leave this to your imagination) is burning her.  The tears she has shed, formed a river, but still not able to extinguish the fire. This is my imagination. It might look different to you.

Again Happy New Year!


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