Baby sweater - Crochet

In one of my posts I had mentioned about the yarn I bought for making a crochet sweater. The baby sweater is ready.

Crochet takes me 15 years back. I learnt it from a craft teacher.I've named  this as "Butterfly sweater" :-). Is it not looking like a butterfly? I had made many sweaters like this which my mother gave as gifts. My friends also bought it from me to gift it to babies. In between I lost touch of crochet. I had learnt to make booties also, but somehow not able to recollect. I should have written the pattern. 
The Gift is ready!

Some yarn was left out, so made a small pouch for my camera:

Hope to see the baby wearing  sweater and hat. If her parents agree, I will post the photo of the baby.

In coming posts write about some more crochet works.
Until then,

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


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