Devi idol decoration during Navaratri

During Navaratri , in almost all Devi temples, the idols are decorated and worshiped. Last week I had been to Tiruvannamalai. In the premises of Ramanshrama, there is  a Devi temple "Matrubhootheshwara". This is a shrine of Shri Ramana's mother. There is also a Shree Chakra. When I visited this temple, I could see idol of Devi is decorated as Shri Krishna.
Behind you can see a cow, mantap is decorated with Gold, Blue and Maroon. 
Here is the closer view:

May the blessings of Shri Devi
shine on you and all your prayers be granted   on this Dasara

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Exclusive Dasara idols, theme based sets, available online at discounted prices at
